Exploration Life and Literature by Tegedao

The Greek Hero

The Greek Hero

Hjältar under The Heroic Age är i grekisk mytologi väldigt viktig! Det har skildrats storartat i Homer's Epics Iliaden och Odysséen

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Beowulf - ett heroiskt Epos från tidiga medeltiden och räknas som ett litterärt mästerverk. Monomyten av 'the quest romance' föds och berör oss än idag!

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Irish Renaissance : Awen

Irish Renaissance : Awen

The Irish Renaissance var en litterär rörelse som tog form vid slutet av 1800-talet. Ett sant 'revival' av allt Irish- Celtic Twilight!

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Virgils Aeneid : Rome

Virgils Aeneid : Rome

The Aenid skriven av Virgil är det stora nationella 'epic' av antika Rome. En fängslande hjälte-historia iscensatt av självaste GUDARNA!

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Prose Edda

Prose Edda

Prose Edda skriven av Snorre Sturlason under Vikingatiden från Island är en fängslande historia involverat diverse Norska gudar och dess mytologi i en salig blandning under denna epok.

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Russia and Soul : Firebird

Russia and Soul : Firebird

Den ryska själen är påtaglig i dess litteratur och mytologi. Allt från klassiska verk till 'fairy-tales; jag behandlar en sådan historia i form av Firebird.

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Myths Unbound : Unveiling Myth's Role in Today's World

Myths Unbound : Unveiling Myth's Role in Today's World

Explores the profound and continuous impact of ancient myths on contemporary society. The article delves into how these timeless stories have been adapted and reimagined across various mediums, including literature, film, art, and psychology.

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Unleashing Writing Creativity

Unleashing Writing Creativity

This article offers practical strategies and insights for authors looking to enhance their creative writing skills, especially in crafting mythic narratives. Aimed at writers who aspire to enrich their storytelling abilities. The article also explores the innovative integration of artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT, in the field of creative writing and provides insights into how AI can augment human imagination and creativity in writing!

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Sophocles and Aeschylus

Sophocles and Aeschylus

Aeschylus' "Prometheus Bound" centers on the titan Prometheus and Sophocles' "Oedipus Rex" is a tragedy about King Oedipus of Thebes. Human spirit and divine insights in Greek tragedy.

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Shakespeare's Tragedies and Comedies: A Psychological Exploration

Shakespeare's Tragedies and Comedies: A Psychological Exploration

This article provides a psychological exploration of the spiritual themes in Shakespeare's tragedies. It delves into "Hamlet," "Macbeth," and "King Lear," examining how these plays portray the human soul's struggles with existential crisis. And also explores the deeper psychological and spiritual themes in Shakespeare's comedic works like "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "As You Like It," and "Twelfth Night"

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Between Magic, Holosophy and Gnosis : Harry Potter

Between Magic, Holosophy and Gnosis : Harry Potter

Gnostic themes present in the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter's role as a Gnostic saviour, whose journey of self-discovery and enlightenment reflects the path to Gnostic salvation. Includes Holosophy wisdom.

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The Ancient Library of Alexandria: A Beacon of Wisdom, Philosophy, and Science

The Ancient Library of Alexandria: A Beacon of Wisdom, Philosophy, and Science

This article explores the history and significance of the ancient Library of Alexandria. It highlights the library's role as a major center of wisdom, philosophy, spiritual and scientific research in the Hellenistic world. LIFE AND LITERATURE LIBRARY!

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